
Launch Your Startup in Days, Not Weeks

4.0 (4 reviews)
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What is ShipFast?

ShipFast is a NextJS boilerplate that provides all the essential components to rapidly build and launch web applications, SaaS products, and AI tools. It includes integrations for user authentication, payments, emails, and more.

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About ShipFast

ShipFast is a comprehensive NextJS boilerplate created by Marc Lou, Product Hunt's Maker of the Year for 2023.

At its core, ShipFast provides a robust starting point for building web applications.

It includes pre-built components and integrations for essential SaaS functionality like:

  • User authentication
  • Payments and subscriptions
  • Transactional emails
  • Database setup
  • SEO optimization

The goal?

To eliminate repetitive setup tasks. So you can focus on building your core product.

Think of it like a fully stocked kitchen vs. an empty one.

With an empty kitchen, you waste time and energy gathering basic ingredients and tools before you can start cooking.

ShipFast gives you a kitchen stocked with everything you need. So you can start "cooking" (aka building) right away.

Who is ShipFast For?

ShipFast is ideal for:

  • Solo developers and indie makers
  • Early-stage startups
  • SaaS founders
  • AI/ML engineers building web-based tools
  • Web agencies who build client projects

Essentially, if you're building any kind of web application and want to dramatically reduce your time-to-launch, ShipFast is worth considering.

Key Features and Integrations

Now let's look at the core components ShipFast provides:

NextJS Foundation

ShipFast is built on NextJS, a popular React framework known for its performance and developer experience.

This gives you a solid, scalable foundation right out of the gate.

User Authentication

ShipFast includes NextAuth for user login and signup flows.

You get:

  • Email/password authentication
  • Google OAuth integration
  • Magic link login

No more struggling with JWT tokens or session management.

Payments and Subscriptions

Handling payments is often a major headache for new SaaS products.

ShipFast integrates Stripe out of the box, including:

  • One-time payments
  • Recurring subscriptions
  • Webhook handling

It also supports Lemon Squeezy as an alternative payment processor.

Transactional Emails

Ever launched a product only to realize your important emails are landing in spam folders?

ShipFast solves this with pre-configured Mailgun integration, including:

  • Transactional email templates
  • DKIM, DMARC, and SPF setup in a subdomain
  • Webhook for receiving and forwarding emails

This gives you enterprise-level email deliverability from day one.

Database Integration

ShipFast comes with MongoDB integration by default.

But it also supports Supabase if you prefer a SQL database.

Either way, you get a production-ready database setup without the configuration headaches.

SEO Optimization

Launching is only half the battle. You also need users to find you.

ShipFast includes:

  • Automatic SEO meta tags
  • Sitemap generation
  • Structured data (JSON-LD) setup

This gives your app a solid SEO foundation from the start.

Pre-built Components

ShipFast isn't just about back-end integrations.

It also includes a library of UI components built with Tailwind CSS.

Things like:

  • Pricing tables
  • Feature comparison charts
  • Hero sections
  • Testimonial blocks

This accelerates your front-end development as well.

Additional Features

Beyond the core integrations, ShipFast also provides:

  • Blog functionality
  • Google Analytics setup
  • Legal document templates (Privacy Policy, Terms of Service)
  • Rate limiting and API protection

The ShipFast Advantage: Launch Faster, Learn Faster

Here's the thing about building products:

The faster you can launch, the faster you can learn.

And the faster you learn, the higher your chances of success.

ShipFast embodies this philosophy.

It eliminates weeks of setup and integration work. So you can focus on your core value proposition.

Let's break down the time savings:

  • Email setup and configuration: 4+ hours saved
  • Payment integration: 6+ hours saved
  • User authentication: 4+ hours saved
  • SEO optimization: 2+ hours saved
  • Legal document creation: 3+ hours saved

That's conservatively 19+ hours saved on just the basics.

For many developers, the real time savings is likely much higher.

What's Included with ShipFast

When you purchase ShipFast, you get:

  • The full NextJS boilerplate code
  • All integrations mentioned earlier (Stripe, Mailgun, MongoDB, etc.)
  • UI component library
  • SEO and blog functionality
  • Access to the ShipFast Discord community
  • Lifetime updates

It's a one-time purchase. No recurring fees.

And you can use it for unlimited projects.

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