SaaS Pegasus

Build your next SaaS in a fraction of the time

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What is SaaS Pegasus?

SaaS Pegasus is a powerful Django-based boilerplate that accelerates SaaS development, providing a robust foundation with essential features like user accounts, team management, and subscription handling.

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About SaaS Pegasus

SaaS Pegasus is a comprehensive Django boilerplate created specifically for building SaaS applications.

It's not just another template.

It's a full-fledged foundation that comes packed with all the essential features you need to launch a successful SaaS.

Think of it as your SaaS launchpad.

Why SaaS Pegasus Stands Out

I've seen my fair share of boilerplates and starter kits.

Most fall short in one way or another.

SaaS Pegasus is different.

Here's why:

1. Comprehensive Feature Set

SaaS Pegasus doesn't skimp on features.

It offers everything from user authentication to subscription management.

You're not just getting a bare-bones structure.

You're getting a fully-equipped toolkit.

2. Flexibility

One size doesn't fit all in the SaaS world.

SaaS Pegasus gets this.

It offers multiple CSS frameworks and front-end options.

You're not locked into a single way of doing things.

3. Battle-Tested

This isn't some weekend project.

SaaS Pegasus has been used to build real-world applications.

It's proven in the field.

4. Regular Updates

The tech world moves fast.

SaaS Pegasus keeps pace with regular updates and new features.

You're not investing in a stagnant product.

5. Community Support

When you're stuck, having a community to turn to is invaluable.

SaaS Pegasus offers a private Slack community.

It's like having a team of experienced developers on speed dial.

Key Features of SaaS Pegasus

Let's break down the core features that make SaaS Pegasus a powerhouse for SaaS development.

User Accounts

User management is the backbone of any SaaS.

SaaS Pegasus provides a robust user account system out of the box.

It includes:

  • Secure sign-up and authentication
  • Email confirmation
  • Password reset functionality
  • Social login options

No more spending days setting up basic user flows.

It's all there, ready to go.

Teams and Invitations

Building a collaborative SaaS?

SaaS Pegasus has you covered.

It offers:

  • Multi-tenant architecture
  • Team/organization models
  • Invitation workflows
  • Role-based access control

Implementing these features from scratch can be a nightmare.

With SaaS Pegasus, it's a breeze.

Subscription Management

Let's face it.

Implementing a subscription system is often where developers get stuck.

SaaS Pegasus takes the pain out of this process.

It provides:

  • Integration with Stripe for recurring payments
  • Flexible plan management
  • Per-seat pricing options

You can focus on your unique value proposition instead of wrestling with payment logic.

E-Commerce Capabilities

Need to sell one-off products alongside your subscription offerings?

No problem.

SaaS Pegasus includes a built-in e-commerce store powered by Stripe.

It's perfect for selling digital products or add-ons to your core service.

OpenAI Integration

AI is no longer the future.

It's the present.

SaaS Pegasus recognizes this trend.

It offers demo applications built on top of ChatGPT and DALL-E 2.

This gives you a head start in integrating AI capabilities into your SaaS.

Multiple Front-End Options

Every developer has their preferences when it comes to front-end development.

SaaS Pegasus respects that.

It offers:

  • React for those who love component-based architecture
  • HTMX for developers who prefer a lightweight approach

You're not forced into a specific front-end paradigm.

Asynchronous and WebSocket Support

Building real-time features?

SaaS Pegasus has got your back.

It includes django-channels integration and a built-in group chat demo.

Real-time updates and notifications become a walk in the park.

Content Management System

Many SaaS applications benefit from having a blog or knowledge base.

SaaS Pegasus doesn't overlook this need.

It integrates Wagtail CMS, giving you a powerful content management system right out of the box.

API Ecosystem

In today's interconnected world, APIs are crucial.

SaaS Pegasus provides:

  • Built-in REST APIs
  • API documentation
  • Client libraries

Your SaaS will be ready for integration from day one.

Background Tasks and Scheduling

Every serious SaaS needs to handle background processes.

SaaS Pegasus integrates Celery, allowing you to easily set up and manage background tasks and scheduled jobs.

Feature Flags

Want to roll out new features gradually?

SaaS Pegasus includes a feature flag system.

You can turn features on or off for specific users, teams, or site-wide without pushing new code.

It's a game-changer for continuous deployment.

Two-Factor Authentication

Security is paramount in SaaS applications.

SaaS Pegasus offers built-in two-factor authentication.

Your users can protect their accounts with an extra layer of security using Google Authenticator or similar tools.

Flexible Deployment Options

Deployment can be a headache.

SaaS Pegasus aims to make it as painless as possible.

It provides tools for deploying to multiple cloud platforms or any VPS with just a few clicks.

Testing and Continuous Integration

Quality assurance is crucial for any serious SaaS.

SaaS Pegasus comes with:

  • A built-in test suite
  • Front-end build system
  • Automatic running with Github Actions

You're set up for best practices in software development from the start.

Internationalization Support

Planning to go global?

SaaS Pegasus has the infrastructure in place for translating your application into any language.

Expanding your reach becomes much easier.

Docker-Based Development

Getting a consistent development environment across your team can be challenging.

SaaS Pegasus uses Docker containers for development.

This ensures everyone on your team is working with the same setup, regardless of their local machine.

Built-In Toolchain

Modern web development requires a complex toolchain.

SaaS Pegasus takes care of this for you.

It includes a built-in TypeScript/JavaScript and Sass/CSS build pipeline with Webpack.

You get all the benefits of modern front-end development without the setup headaches.

Example Charts

Data visualization is often a key component of SaaS applications.

SaaS Pegasus includes fully-integrated examples of dynamic charts based on real data from your application.

It's a great starting point for building your own dashboards.

Email Handling

Effective communication with users is crucial for any SaaS.

SaaS Pegasus provides:

  • Integration with popular email service providers
  • Built-in, mobile-friendly templates for common emails

You can start sending professional-looking emails from day one.

Error Monitoring

Keeping track of errors in production is vital.

SaaS Pegasus integrates Sentry, the gold standard for Django application monitoring.

You'll be alerted to issues before your users even notice them.

Who Is SaaS Pegasus For?

SaaS Pegasus isn't for everyone.

But it might be perfect for you if:

  1. You're a developer or entrepreneur looking to launch a SaaS quickly
  2. You want to focus on your unique value proposition, not boilerplate code
  3. You appreciate a solid foundation with best practices baked in
  4. You're comfortable with Django and Python
  5. You value ongoing support and community resources

The SaaS Pegasus Experience: From Zero to SaaS

Let's walk through the process of using SaaS Pegasus to launch a SaaS.

Step 1: Configuration

It all starts with the online codebase creator.

Here, you'll specify your project's settings, features, and technologies.

It's like customizing your car before it rolls off the production line.

Step 2: Installation

Once configured, you'll download your project's complete source code.

Getting up and running is as simple as running a single command.

No more days spent on initial setup.

Step 3: Customization

This is where you add your secret sauce.

With the foundation in place, you can focus on building the unique features that will make your SaaS stand out.

The Pegasus docs and Slack community are there to help you along the way.

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