
The ultimate React.js SaaS starter kit

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What is Makerkit?

Makerkit is a comprehensive SaaS boilerplate for building web applications with React, Next.js, and Remix. It provides pre-built authentication, multi-tenancy, Stripe payments, and more to help developers launch SaaS products quickly.

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About Makerkit

Makerkit is a SaaS starter kit built with React.

It provides a full-stack foundation for building web applications.

The goal?

To save developers months of work on common SaaS functionality.

Makerkit supports both Next.js and Remix as front-end frameworks.

And it integrates with either Firebase or Supabase on the backend.

This flexibility lets you choose the tech stack that fits your needs.

Key Features

Now, let's look at what Makerkit brings to the table:

1. Authentication

Makerkit comes with a complete auth system out of the box.

This includes:

  • Email/password login
  • Social sign-in (Google, Facebook, etc.)
  • Magic link authentication
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

You also get features like password reset and email verification.

No need to reinvent the wheel here.

2. Multi-Tenancy

Multi-tenancy is crucial for most B2B SaaS products.

Makerkit provides a robust system for managing organizations and teams.

Users can:

  • Create and join multiple organizations
  • Invite team members
  • Manage roles and permissions

This saves you from building complex multi-tenant logic from scratch.

3. Billing and Subscriptions

Makerkit integrates with Stripe for payments and subscriptions.

You get:

  • A customizable pricing page
  • Checkout flow
  • Customer portal for managing subscriptions

It also supports Lemon Squeezy as an alternative payment processor.

4. Super Admin Dashboard

For managing your SaaS, Makerkit includes a powerful admin panel.

Here, you can:

  • View and manage all users and organizations
  • Impersonate users (for support)
  • Ban or reactivate accounts

This gives you full control over your app from day one.

5. Blog and Documentation Generators

Content marketing is key for SaaS growth.

Makerkit includes generators for both a blog and documentation site.

These are SEO-optimized out of the box.

So you can start producing content that ranks from day one.

6. Robust UI Components

Makerkit uses Tailwind CSS and Shadcn UI for its interface.

This gives you a modern, customizable design system to build upon.

You also get both light and dark modes included.

7. Mobile-Friendly Design

All of Makerkit's components are fully responsive.

This ensures your SaaS works great on mobile devices from the start.

8. TypeScript Support

Makerkit is built with TypeScript.

This brings type safety and improved developer experience to your project.

9. Testing Setup

Makerkit comes preconfigured with Playwright for end-to-end testing.

This makes it easier to catch bugs before they reach production.

10. Extensive Documentation

One standout feature of Makerkit is its documentation.

The docs are thorough and well-written.

This can save you hours of head-scratching when customizing the boilerplate.

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